Registered programs: Hairstyling
Upcoming program dates:
July 15, 2025 - July 4, 2026
September 9, 2025 - July 11, 2026
November 12, 2025 - October 31, 2026
January 6, 2026 - November 7, 2026
Refund Policy, Attendance Policy and Sexual Violence Policy
As a Private Vocational Institute, we are required to provide the policies below (Refund Policy, Attendance Policy and Sexual Violence Policy) on our website. All relevant policies detailed below can also be found in your Student Handbook.
When required a refund will be issued within 30 days from the day the student contract is terminated or if terminated by the Institute, as specified in an order of the Director. The refund is payable to student or lender unless the payment was received from a government, agency or person other than the student, in which case any refund of the tuition will be paid to the government, agency or other person.
Deposit is non-refundable. Student kits and textbooks are non-refundable once the student receives them and the kit is opened.
As per Aveda Institute Student Agreement (as Prescribed under Manitoba regulation 237/02)
26 A private vocational institution must refund all money received or realized in respect of a student being enrolled in a program of instruction it provides if
(a) The registration of the registrant to operate the institution is cancelled; or
(b) The institution
(i) Ceases to provide instruction in the program while the student is still enrolled, or
(ii) Expels the student without cause.
27 A person who provides a program of instruction before being registered as a registrant must refund all fees that have been paid in respect of the vocational training.
28 (1) Subject to section 16 of the Act, the private vocational institution must refund the following fees:
(a) if the student ceases to be enrolled before the start date of the program, all money received or realized in respect of the program except any non-refundable fees specified as required under sub clause 11(1)(d)(iv);
(b) if the student ceases to be enrolled after the start date of the program, the percentage of paid tuition fees set out in first column of the following table based on the percentage of the program completed by the student at the time the student ceases to be enrolled as set out opposite in the second column:
Percentage of paid tuition fees refunded | Percentage of program completed at time the student ceases to be enrolled |
75% of paid tuition fees refunded | Up to 20% |
50% of paid tuition fees refunded | 21% to 50% |
No tuition fees refunded | 51% or more |
28(2) in determining the percentage of the program completed at the time the student ceases to be enrolled,
(a) Each assignment and each hour or class in a program of instruction is of equal value; and
(b) A student is deemed to have attended every regularly scheduled hour of instruction or, in the case of a program provided by correspondence or other means, to have submitted each regularly scheduled assignment until the day immediately before the date the student ceases to be enrolled.
29(1) Subject to subsection (2), a private vocational institution must refund any materials fee when a student rescinds their contract under section 16 of the Act or when a student ceases to be enrolled in the program of instruction if the student returns the materials to the Institution
(a) Within 10 days after ceasing to be enrolled in the program; and
(b) In substantially the same condition as the materials were in when they were received by the student.
29(2) a materials fee is not refundable for materials that (a) are personal use items; or (b) have been removed from their packaging.
29(3) for certainty, a digital version of a book or text is eligible for a refund if the code used to access its contents has not been used.
30 except as provided under section 16 of the Act, a student is not entitled to a refund of
(a) a registration fee; or
(b) In the case of an international student, the international student administration fee under subclause 11(1)(d)(v) of their student contract.
31 under this regulation, a student ceases to be enrolled in a program of instruction on the earliest of the date that
(a) The private vocational institution
(i) Receives the student’s written notice of withdrawal from the program of instruction,
(ii) Cancels the student’s enrolment under section 32, or
(iii) expels the student from their program of instruction; or (b) the student (i) exceeds the number of absences allowed under the private vocational institution’s attendance policy, or (ii) graduates from the institution.
32 A private vocational institution that receives written notice that a prospective international student is unable to obtain entry into Canada
(a) Must
(i) Not enroll the student in a program of instruction, or
(ii) If the student is enrolled, cancel the student’s enrolment within five days after receiving the notice; and
(b) Must refund any money received from or on behalf of the student.
33(1) Subject to subsection (2), if a student is entitled to a refund from a private vocational institution, the refund must be paid directly to the student.
33(2) if a student is entitled to a refund and the institution received any payment of the student’s fees from a government program, an agency or a person other than the student, the institution must pay the refund, on the student’s behalf, to the government, agency or other person.
33(3) the institution must issue a refund payment within 30 days after the refund becomes payable.
Time management is an important skill during your time as a student, but also once you start your career. In order to prepare you for your future career, we strongly encourage students to arrive early and attend classes consistently.
In order to successfully graduate the program you must complete the minimum hours requirements. Adhering to the following guidelines will help to ensure that you meet the necessary academic and minimum hours requirements of 1400 hours to successfully complete the program on time.
Clocking in/out
In order to complete your program, you must complete the required 1400 hours governed by your province. The Institute can only issue hours that are properly documented, therefore clocking in and out is extremely important. Students are required to clock in when arriving to school and at the end of the day and it is strictly prohibited for a student to sign in for another student. Each student is responsible for their own time management. A half-hour (30 minutes) will automatically be deducted for lunch.
You are responsible for monitoring your program hours and reporting any discrepancies. Any required adjustments to your hours must be confirmed and reported to the Registrar’s office using an “Hours Adjustment Form”. The Registrar will then confirm your hours with the recorded attendance and will adjust accordingly. Requests for
changes cannot be backdated unless proof of arrival/departure time accompanies the request. See Registrar’s office for more information.
Generally students will have up to 30 minutes after class end in order to wrap up their day. In the event that you are required to stay later or arrive earlier, you must obtain approval from your Educator and notify the Registrar in order for the time to be used towards program hours. Regular audits of clock-ins and out are made to ensure that there is no manipulation or abuse of the check-in system.
Class Start | Class End | |
Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays | 9:00am | 5:00pm |
Wednesdays and Thursdays | 11:00am | 7:00pm |
Attendance Requirements
Students are expected to fulfill a total of 1400 hours by the end date outlined in their program agreement, with no more than a 10% allowance for missed hours. Exceeding this limit will lead to automatic withdrawal from the program.
Notification of Absence or Lateness
In order to maintain our education and service standards, if you will be absent or late please notify the Institute by (8:45am on T/F/S and 10:45am on W/R) by phone/voicemail at the front line (204)452-7380 Ext. 1 so that we are able to make any necessary accommodations and inform your Educator in a timely manner.
In order to minimize disruption for your classmates and to maintain time-management, you may not be permitted to join class under Educator discretion if you arrive past the class start time (9:00am, T/F/S and 11:00am, W/R) without prior approval such as an approved late arrival form. If this occurs, this will result in missed hours for that day unless admittance is granted at your Educator or Registrar’s discretion.
Time management is extremely important, and the Institute promotes good habits in order to set students up for success in the workforce. Because of this, if a student arrives past the class start time, the attendance policy is strictly enforceable and the student will not be able to join class for the day except under Educator exception. The progressive disciplinary policy will come into effect (Page 52) after an initial verbal warning. If students find themselves having difficulties creating good habits, please meet with your Educator, Student Liaison or Registrar to discuss an improvement plan that we can assist any student to put in place to promote healthy habits.
Undocumented Absence
An undocumented absence occurs when a student does not provide appropriate documentation for all/portion of a day. Undocumented absences invite challenges for guests, students and staff and impact our ability to meet our Standards.
Documented Absence
This absence is documented and approved. A documented absence does not excuse hour requirements as Hairstyling is an hours-based program and all students require 1400 hours in order to complete. However, with appropriate documentation students will be able to take any missed tests/ quizzes.
Appropriate documentation includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Previously approved Request Day Off form
Previously approved Request Early Release/Late Admittance form
Doctor’s note dated for the date(s) missed that must be presented upon student’s return in order to be accepted
Days off assigned by the Institute
Other documentation may be requested/accepted by location for other scenarios not listed above
Approved Time Off
Similar to working in a salon we require adequate notice and approval for any changes to your schedule in order to best serve your guests and minimize disruption for your peers.
If a student must leave early or arrive late (for example doctor’s or dentist’s appointment) a request for early release or late admittance form should be filled out at least one week before the day. If you are going home sick, an early release form should be filled out and signed by your educator and registrar.
If a student requires a day off, we recommend that you submit a request 2 weeks prior to the date to improve the chances of having it approved. If a request is submitted with less notice we will do our best to accommodate. Once a student has been approved for a day off, the student’s chair will be closed, and no appointments will be booked.
All request forms can be picked up from the Registrar. These requests are approved based on reason for request, previous attendance, and curriculum missed. Please note that there is no guarantee that the requests will be granted.
Holiday Season
During the holiday season students will experience the busiest time in the salon industry. In order to manage requests, students are required to submit any requests for time off by the holiday time off deadline. Last minute requests may not be approved to accommodate guests.
Missed Time
Student’s attendance will be evaluated on an ongoing basis to ensure that they are in line with the hours requirements. The maximum amount of time that can be missed due to PVI regulations is 10% of the entire program. Every student must achieve the required 1400 hours by the contract end date in order to graduate from the Program.
Making Up Curriculum
It is the student’s responsibility to make up any theory work missed during an absence. If the student would like assistance with this they are to discuss with their educator directly, or request additional assistance from the Registrar.
Making Up Hours
While event opportunities do exist to accumulate additional hours, they may not be sufficient to make up significant amounts of missed time. If you do not meet the required amount of hours by your graduation date, we are unable to guarantee that space will be available for you to stay to make up the missed time so it is highly encouraged that you manage your time efficiently at the Institute.
Over Contract End Date
At any time throughout your program if you anticipate that you will not complete the hours requirement by the end date specified on your contract please speak with the Registrar.
Hours made up post-graduation date will be subject to a strict timeline, based on space and availability within the Institute. Students should ensure they are available to complete their hours, as they will generally be scheduled immediately after the student’s contract end date or prolonged at the Director’s discretion.
Additional fees apply for days after the contract end date. The rate for additional time to make up days past the contract end date is double the pro-rated daily tuition fee. During this time the student must still abide by all policies and procedures within this handbook.
Funding Notification
It is the school’s responsibility to notify any funding providers should the student’s attendance not be within the expectations of the school or the expectations of the funding provider. Arriving late and missing days, whether excused or not, may affect the student’s funding. If you are on funding and are low on hours ensure that you are in communication with your Registrar and your funding provider to develop a plan to make up hours.
We are required to notify funders should you not complete the program by the contract end date.
Program Abandonment
If a student is absent for more than the allowable amount of consecutive school days without proper notification and appropriate documentation the student will need to meet with a review board to determine if they are eligible to continue in the program, otherwise they will be treated as a program abandonment. The amount of allowable days may be less at the discretion of the Director depending on the student’s status, previous absences, technical ability, and curriculum missed.
If a student is absent for 8 consecutive school days without proper notification and documentation the student will need to meet with a review board to determine if they are eligible to continue in the program, otherwise they will be treated as a program abandonment.
This Policy prohibits sexual misconduct, which includes sexual violence and sexual harassment.
Sexual Violence, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes:
a) sexual assault which is any type of an unwanted sex act done by one person to another, without that person’s consent, that violates the sexual integrity of an individual ranging from unwanted touching to penetration;
b) any violence, physical or psychological, carried out through sexual means or by targeting sexuality, including sexual abuse; and
c) criminal harassment (including stalking and cyber bullying).
Sexual Harassment, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes:
a) any course of vexatious comment or conduct of a sexual nature that is known or ought reasonably to have been known to be unwelcome, including:
b) offensive jokes or comments of a sexual nature;
c) displaying of pornographic or sexist pictures or materials, including online;
d) suggestive or offensive remarks;
e) unwelcome language related to gender or gender identity;
f) remarks, jokes, innuendoes, propositions, or taunting about a person’s body, attire, sex or sexual orientation;
g) leering or inappropriate staring;
h) bragging about sexual prowess;
i) physical contact such as touching, patting, or pinching, with an underlying sexual connotation; and
j) sexual solicitation or advance made by a person in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to the person where the person making the solicitation or advance knows or ought reasonably to know that it is unwelcome.
1. The Scope
This policy applies to all members of The Aveda Institute Winnipeg community including but not limited to:
a) all employees including full-time, part-time, casual and contract;
b) all students;
c) volunteers, visitors and clients to the Institute; and
d) all other persons who provide goods, services or facilities on behalf of The Aveda Institute and Academy Salon.
This policy also applies to incidents of sexual violence involving a member of The Aveda Institute and Academy Salon community that occurs off campus, where there is a real and substantial link to the Institute.
In the case of an incident where The Aveda Institute Winnipeg becomes aware of a situation that involves an adult and a minor, this policy shall apply regardless of where or when the incident may have taken place. The Aveda Institute Winnipeg shall provide support to any individual who reports an incident regardless of where it may have occurred, including through the use of social media or other forms of digital communication.
2. Purpose & Intent
All members of The Aveda Institute Winnipeg community have a right to study and work in an environment free of sexual violence and sexual harassment.
This document sets out our policy on sexual violence and sexual harassment, defines the prohibited behaviors, and outlines our investigative processes for sexual violence and sexual harassment.
3. Policy Objectives
The Aveda Institute Winnipeg is committed to providing members of our community an educational environment free from sexual violence and sexual harassment and treating those individuals who report incidents of sexual violence or sexual harassment with dignity and respect.
The Aveda Institute Winnipeg will educate and train faculty, staff and students about this Policy and how to identify situations that involve, or could progress into sexual violence or sexual harassment and how to reduce these forms of prohibited behaviors.
4. Consent
Consent is an informed, knowing, and voluntary decision to engage in a sexual act. It is the act of willingly agreeing to engage in specific sexual behavior and requires that a person is able to freely choose between two options: yes and no. Consent is never assumed or implied it is active, not passive or silent. It is the responsibility of the person who wants to engage in the sexual activity to make sure that they have Consent from any other person(s) involved.
Consent is required regardless of the parties’ relationship status or sexual history together. Consent can be revoked at any time, and cannot be assumed from previous Consent to similar activities.
Please note the following additional guidance:
a) Consent cannot be given by someone who is incapacitated by alcohol or drugs, or who is unable to make a rational decision as a result of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
b) silence or non-communication must never be interpreted as Consent and a person in a state of diminished judgment cannot consent;
c) a person is incapable of giving Consent if they are asleep, unconscious, or otherwise unable to communicate;
d) a person who has been threatened or coerced into engaging in the sexual activity is not consenting to the activity;
e) a person may be unable to give Consent if they have a disability that prevents them from fully understanding the sexual acts; and
f) a person may not be able to give Consent when there is a significant power differential within the relationship, such as to a person who abuses a position of trust, power, or authority.
5. Prevention, Awareness & Response
The Aveda Institute Winnipeg is committed to the following:
a) assisting those who have experienced sexualized violence by empowering individuals to access detailed information and support, such as provision of and/or referral to counselling and medical care, information about legal options, and appropriate academic and other accommodation;
b) ensuring support to those who disclose that they have experienced sexualized violence or are accused of sexualized violence, and those who witness sexualized violence, and that their right to dignity and respect is protected throughout the process of disclosure and institutional response;
c) treating individuals who disclose sexualized violence with compassion recognizing that they are the final decision-makers about their own best interests;
d) engaging in appropriate procedures for assessing the ongoing risk towards safety or the disruption of the learning and working environment which are in accordance with the collective agreement, policies, standards, and that ensure fairness and due process;
e) removing institutional barriers that may negatively impact a person’s willingness to report or to seek support;
f) monitoring and updating our policies and protocols to ensure that they remain effective and in line with other existing policies and best practices;
g) ensuring that persons in a position of authority, including persons directing the activities of others, shall take immediate action to respond to or to prevent sexualized violence from occurring;
h) ensuring all support and proceedings are culturally sensitive to the needs of those involved.
6. Complaint/Disclosure Procedures, Investigation Procedures & Response Protocols
All members of our career college community will take all reasonable steps to prevent sexual violence and misconduct on our career college campus or events and report immediately to the Director of Operations and Business Development if they are subject to, witness or have knowledge of sexual violence or misconduct, or have reason to believe that sexual violence or misconduct has occurred or may occur.
To the extent it is possible, the Director of Operations and Business Development will attempt to keep all information disclosed confidential except in those circumstances it believes an individual is at imminent risk of self-harm, or of harming another, or there are reasonable grounds to believe that others in our career community are at risk.
The Aveda Institute Winnipeg recognizes the right of the complainant to determine whether their complaint will be dealt with by the police and/or The Aveda Institute Winnipeg.
However, in certain circumstances, The Aveda Institute Winnipeg may be required by law or its internal policies to initiate an internal investigation and/or inform police without the complainant’s consent, if it believes the safety of members of its career college community is at risk.
a) bring the matter to the attention of the Registrar in the form of a written complaint or report. If the Registrar is absent or is named in a complaint or report, the student must provide the complaint to the Director;
b) complaints must be submitted in writing. Oral submissions will be transcribed by the Institute Registrar or Director. Transcribed and written complaints will be filed and in the student file;
c) the Registrar/Director will arrange to meet with the student to discuss the concern and desired resolution within 3 school days of receiving the student’s written, or as soon as practical;
d) the student will be able to have a person present with them at all stages of the proceedings. If necessary, the student will have the right to have this person present the case on their behalf;
e) following the meeting with the student, the Registrar/Director will conduct whatever inquiries and/or investigations are necessary and appropriate;
f) the necessary inquiries and/or investigations shall be completed no later than 10 school days following the receipt of the student’s written concerns;
g) the student and the institution’s personnel involved shall receive a written summary of the above determination. A copy of all documentation relating to every student’s complaint or report should be signed by all parties. A copy shall be given to the student, and the original will be placed in the student file;
Investigating Reports
A complaint of sexual violence or misconduct may be filed under this Policy, by any member of our career college community, to the Director of Operations and Business Development in writing.
Upon a complaint or report of alleged sexual violence or misconduct being made the Director of Operations and Business Development will initiate an investigation, including as follows:
a) determining whether the incident should be referred immediately to police;
b) meeting with the complainant to determine the date and time of the incident, the persons involved, the names of any person who witnessed the incident and a complete description of what occurred;
c) interviewing the complainant, any person involved in the incident and any identified witnesses;
d) interviewing any other person who may have knowledge of incidents related to the complaint or any other similar incidents;
e) informing the respondent of the complaint, providing details of the allegations and giving the respondent an opportunity to respond to those allegations;
f) providing reasonable updates to the complainant and the respondent about the status of the investigation; and
g) determining what disciplinary action, if any, should be taken.
Disciplinary Measures
If it is determined by the Aveda Institute Winnipeg that a member of our career college
community has been involved in sexual violence misconduct of a member of our career college community, immediate disciplinary or corrective action will be taken up to and including termination of employment or expulsion of a student.
In cases where criminal proceedings are initiated, The Aveda Institute Winnipeg will assist police agencies, lawyers, insurance companies, and courts to the fullest extent.
Where criminal and/or civil proceedings are commenced in respect of allegations of sexual violence or misconduct, The Aveda Institute Winnipeg may conduct its own independent investigation and make its own determination in accordance with its own policies and procedures.
7. Training
The Aveda Institute Winnipeg is committed to providing appropriate education and training to all members of the Aveda Institute Winnipeg community in order to improve their understanding on sexual violence issues. Various methods will be used to reach different members of the Aveda Institute Winnipeg community. Initiatives such as orientation, on-line learning sessions, and other forums all may be used individually or in combination to help facilitate training. Training will initially take place with all new students and employees and will be reviewed annually.
Additional training sessions where required will be individually tailored to reach specific target groups for those that have a larger role. For example, the Registrar/Student Liaison & Educators will be provided with targeted training that ensures they have the required knowledge to successfully undertake their function.
Sexual violence training may need to be adapted at times to reach specific target populations that have different cultural differences if deemed appropriate.
8. Consultation
This policy was developed in consultation with both students and staff of the Aveda Institute and Academy Salon.
All students and staff were emailed a draft copy of the Sexual Violence policy and invited to provide feedback.
9. Cultural Sensitivity
The Aveda Institute Winnipeg acknowledges that certain populations are at greater risk of sexual violence in Canada, including:
a) Young women and girls
b) Indigenous women
c) Women living with cognitive or physical disabilities
d) Individuals within the LGBT2SQ+ community
e) Newcomer women and women from ethnocultural and racialized communities
10. Policy Accessibility
The electronic policy is available on the Aveda Institute Winnipeg Website at the bottom of the page in the Student Handbook tab. The printed version is available in the Student/Staff Hallway outside the student lunch room on the Student Board and Health and Safety Board. The policy is included in the Student/Staff Handbook for review at any time of the day. Also, the policy is being discussed during the Student/Employee Orientation to ensure that new students and employees know how to access the information.
11. Public Reporting
After the policy is presented during the Student Orientation, the Student Liaison distributes the “Concern” form that can be filled out on paper or uploaded and filled out online. The “Concern” form is private and confidential, and the Institute’s Administration is always open to consult with students before filling out the form. Aveda Institute Winnipeg Winnipeg strives to raise awareness and contribute to the prevention of Sexual Violence.
By sharing content on social media and our website, yearly in April, the month of Sexual Assault Awarness, we hope to support our community that has been affected by Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence, and raise awareness and Education.
12. Policy Review
The policy is carefully read and evaluated for efficiency before each Student Orientation. The next comprehensive policy review is scheduled for December 2026, as well as the students’ consultation, including a students’ survey.
13. Resources
Keep Me Safe Student Support Program,
A mental health support program partnered with Aveda Institute Winnipeg, free to use by current students.
Health Sciences Centre, Emergency Department (204) 786-8631
A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) trained in medical examination and the legal, forensic, and psychological needs of sexual assault survivors is available 24/7.
Klinic Sexual Assault Crisis Program (204) 786-8631
Counsellors are available through Klinic’s 24/7 Sexual Assault Crisis Program for immediate, confidential counselling by phone. Klinic Staff can meet victims at the hospital to give support during the reporting process, and will assist in obtaining medical, legal, and social services. Klinic also offers short-term, in-person counselling to recent or past victims of sexual assault and to their families, friends and supporters, with no wait-lists or fees.
All contact with Klinic is confidential and services may be accessed regardless of whether an individual is prepared to report the sexual violence incident to police, or to the Aveda Institute Winnipeg.
Mount Carmel Clinic (204) 582-2311
Offer health and counselling services. Website identifies health services to all groups including immigrants, refugees, indigenous, LGBT amongst others.
Ka Ni Kanichihk – Heart Medicine Lodge (204) 953-5820
KaNi Kanichihk’s Heart Medicine Lodge provides culturally based support and advocacy services for Indigenous women and those who identify as women who have experienced sexual assault and sexual violence (18 years and older).
Domestic Violence Crisis Line 1-877-977-0007
Provides counselling on domestic violence 24/7 days a week.
Deaf Access Counselling TTY: 204-784-4097 Operates 24/7 days a week.
Making False Statements
It is a violation of this Policy for anyone to knowingly make a false complaint of sexual violence or misconduct or to provide false information about a complaint. Individuals who violate this Policy are subject to disciplinary and/or corrective action, up to and including termination of employment or expulsion.
Consensual Romantic/Sexual Relations
Consensual romantic/sexual relations between staff and students are strictly prohibited. Substantial risks are involved even in seemingly consensual sexual relationships where a power differential exists between the involved parties. The respect and trust accorded an employee by a student, as well as the power exercised by an Educator in giving grades, advice, praise, recommendations, opportunities for further study or other forms of advancement may greatly diminish the student’s actual freedom of choice concerning the relationship.
Further, it is inherently risky where age, background, stature, credentials or other characteristics contribute to the perception that a power differential exists between the involved parties which limits the student’s or employee’s ability to make informed choices about the relationship.
Claims of consensual romantic/sexual relationship will not protect individuals from sexual harassment charges nor guarantee a successful defense if charges are made.
It is the policy of The Aveda Institute Winnipeg to give equal opportunity, and to provide a safe and harassment free learning environment, to all qualified persons without regard of age, ancestry and ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, disability, family status, marital status, place of origin, race and colour, sex or sexual orientation.
Discrimination and harassment are violations of the Human Rights Code, and will not be tolerated. If you have any questions regarding your rights, and how to raise the issue of harassment, please speak to the Institute Registrar/ Director immediately. The management of The Aveda Institute considers all violations of the Human Rights Code to be of a serious nature.
If you feel your human rights have been violated or are accused of violating someone’s human rights, please report your concern to the Institute Registrar/ Director immediately. Any and all information will be held in the strictest of confidence. Complaints and responses to complaints will, whenever necessary, be dealt with neutrally and according to the means of investigation determined by the Institute Registrar/ Director to be appropriate in each case. Remember that you have the option of reporting your complaint to the Human Rights Commission.
Victim’s Rights
The Aveda Institute Administration, in cooperation with the appropriate law enforcement authorities and at the victim’s request, shall shield the victim from unwanted contact with the alleged assailant, including transfer of the victim to alternate classes, if alternative classes are available and feasible.
Program fees:
TUITION: $13,500.00
*Including applicable taxes. Student kit includes digital textbooks, physical textbooks are optional. Physical textbooks are an additional cost of $196.00 for the full set.
Prices are subject to change. $250 Deferral Fee required for change of start date once contract is signed.
All of the Aveda Institute’s Policies and Procedures can be found in the Student Handbook.